Introduction to Storysharing® Services & Organisations
This free course tells you how Storysharing® is used to support adults with severe and profound learning disabilities
Introduction to SS Services Organisations.pdf
Abbie & Jess Subtitled
Technical requirements for our online courses
Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.
This course is for you if you work with adults who have learning and communication difficulties - service providers, charities and NGOs, or community groups
To go through the presentation and film takes 20-30 minutes. You can do this in your own time, pause and return whenever you like.
We build all our training around the needs and abilities of people with severe and profound disabilities. This is the principle of "Universal Design" - by making sure we include everyone, we can easily adapt to those people who function at higher language levels. Our Practitioner training course has more information
If you work in an advocacy service or as a PA, the course is very relevant. We are currently developing a project with peer advocates and hope to have an easy read training delivered by self advocates some time in 2022. Contact us if you are interested in this work
The course information is very relevant to carers and relatives. We are planning to develop a course specifically for them, for 2022
Do feel free to try out some of the ideas from the course. Sharing small stories with people who have communication difficulties is endlessly fascinating, and endlessly challenging. We hope you will want to go deeper and develop your skills as a practitioner!